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das Thema Mobilität

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Rimini - Riccione | Il filobus dele vacanze - the traditional line

Rimini - Riccione | Il filobus dele vacanze - the traditional line

[Reportage, Reisebericht]
von AIM

This about 14km long line operates every 18 minutes with a running time of 46 minutes 7 days a week. The operation is done by 3 trolleybuses and 3 motorbusses between Rimini via Dante (near FS station)and Riccione Terme working between...

Metromare Rimini - Riccione | Express trolleybus line - the new one

Metromare Rimini - Riccione | Express trolleybus line - the new one

[Reportage, Reisebericht]
von AIM

The final decision to build a TBRT (trolleybus rapid transit system)was made in 2017 and the electric service started on 28.10.2021. The new line was built almost on a seperated buslane. The first step of this new system is about 9,8 km...

Parma - the "all electric" city

Parma - the "all electric" city

[Reportage, Reisebericht]
von AIM

Many years some of the trolleybus lines were operated by motorbuses for long periods but since 2021 all 4 trolleybus lines (1,3,4,5) are all electric operated. Working in the historic center with it`s narrow streets as well in the...

Limoges - trolleybus city

Limoges - trolleybus city

[Reportage, Reisebericht]
von AIM

In May 2023 the French city of Limoges can celebrate 80 years of e-mobility in it`s best for, - the trolleybus. With up and downs during the decades and mayors having problems wit overhead wires, in the year of the anniversary the ...

Gummi Tram Clemont-Ferrand

Gummi Tram Clermont-Ferrand

[Reportage, Reisebericht]
von AIM

Es ist sicherlich kein Zufall, dass in der Stadt des Gummi Reifens 2006 die erste "Gummi Tram" nach dem System Lohr, eröffnet wurde. Das Französische Produkt mit einer mittleren Führungsschiene ist weltweit 8 Mal realisiert worden...

Granitbahn soll Rückgrat für führerlose Passauer Pendelbusse werden - Nachrichten - Bürgerblick Passau

von WG

Granitbahn soll Rückgrat für führerlose Passauer Pendelbusse werden - Nachrichten - Bürgerblick Passau

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Wiener Linien: Die neuen Elektrobusse sind unterwegs

von hacl

Vollkommen elektrisch, nahezu geräuschlos und besser für die Umwelt!

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