Nevomo – the future of transportation | Sustainable Future for European Transport with Magrail
As societies face the pressing challenges of the climate crisis the introduction of MagRail – an innovative upgrade of existing railways with magnetic levitation component and top speed as high as 550 kph - could not be timelier.
Nevomo – the future of transportation | Sustainable Future for European Transport with Magrail
As societies face the pressing challenges of the climate crisis the introduction of MagRail – an innovative upgrade of existing railways with magnetic levitation component and top speed as high as 550 kph - could not be timelier.
LOK Report - Nevomo: MagRail Booster auf der Internationalen Eisenbahnmesse TRAKO vorgestellt
Fotos Nevomo. Nach der bahnbrechenden Ankündigung von Nevomo Anfang September, erfolgreiche Magnetschwebetests durchzuführen, also dem Beweis, dass Schienenfahrzeuge mit Hilfe der MagRail-Technologie auf konventionellen Bahnstrecken schweben können, überrascht das europäische Deep-Tech-Unternehmen e...
MagRail Booster, part of the MagRail product portfolio, is the world's first retrofit solution for existing rail cars that uses an electromagnetic propulsion with a linear motor and allows each wagon to move independently without a locomotive.
It has been developed to improve existing rail services allowing traffic automation and infrastructure electrification with greater flexibility, higher frequency of operations, greater capacity, and enhanced dynamics.